Tuesday, 9 October 2012

The 'Village' People

Tuesday 9th October

I read an interesting article over the weekend on the 'Left of Lightwater' blog regards recent events.

Its an interesting read. I suspect that my political badge and the badge of 'Left' vary somewhat, but I have often thought the blog to be an interesting take on local and in particular 'village' issues with some usefully balanced editorial. Some of the comments haven't always been quite so balanced, but I've also noted of late that robust comment moderation has improved the flavour tremendously.

Two issues raised are of interest.
The first, on By-Elections, is fairly accurate and 'Left' appears to have researched the electoral basis thoroughly. So there isn't too much to add factually regards the electoral process. The only thing to add in that respect is that Cllr Mrs MacLeod, having resigned due to new commitments caused by my hiatus had assumed that there would be a co-option, which is when the political parties agree on a popular candidate to take the place of a vacancy*; Or that an election if sought, may have been co-joined with the PCC elections in November.
What has actually happened is that a further By-Election to contest the vacancy has now been sought by various local elements here in the Three Villages; and the various timings that have to be met by that action have now precluded the co-joining of the two elections into one.

The result is that the electors of this ward will now have to be out at the polls twice in November.

The second item is regards the 'Legacy' mentioned in the post.
Personally, I'm not in favour of that term since to me it has somewhat negative connotations. I didn't sign up to any of my current or prior political appointments in order to leave a legacy; rather I signed up because of an interest in getting things done locally for the benefit of the community from 'inside the tent', as Lyndon Johnson once opined.
But I suspect I know what 'Left' means.
There remains a great deal of work to be done until June 2013 and beyond. And while I've stated before on this blog about the scarcity of monies available at Surrey County Council, there are things that can be done including the 'Member Allocations', as blogged before here.

So, in addition to the continued stewardship of some of the less exciting matters County - most recently ensuring that the recent crossing in Lightwater was installed, rather than pushed to the back of the queue, yellow lining review and the grit-bin barcode stock take as just a few examples - I am again casting around for further local & worthy projects that can be supported by this fund.

Do let me know. If it doesn't get allocated, the fund goes back into the central pot.
The clock is ticking.

* This has happened on a number of occasions in recent years at Windlesham Parish Council. The one instance I can remember where it didn't was back in 2007 when the Conservatives and Liberals went head-to-head to contest the vacancy created by the late Cllr Brian Ward.

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