Monday, 8 October 2012

Pavilion Assistance

Monday 8th October

This ^.

This is why I'm assiting the Windlesham Field of Remembrance Committee with their attempts to raise money for the now planned & priced new Pavilion building. As such, I'm delighted to have been able to support an application put forward by the committee for a Community Infrastructure Grant (CIF), provided by the County Council to which interested parties are required to submit a bid.

During the last opportunity to visit the existing pavilion, it was clearly apparent that the building had come to the end of its natural life. In spite of monies paid to repair and extend its life, the changing rooms were, in my opinion, almost at the stage of being condemnable.
So the opportunity remains to replace it with a brand new building that will serve not only as a pavilion type facility, but as a community hub for the residents of Windlesham for many years to come.

We're also in the midst of determining what other public funding streams are available to support the project. The key here is that the facility is in fact owned BY the residents of Windlesham and not in fact by either the Parish, Borough or County Councils, which is a common misconception.
Other fundraising ideas are planned in addition to various sponsorship and donation based efforts. But if you can help or are interested in becoming involved with this very worthy project, do get in touch with either myself, or the Chairman of the Committee, Mrs Suzanne Sharman.

All assistance is heartily welcomed.

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