Monday, 8 October 2012

Taxi Stalwart

Monday 1st October

This is a few weeks later than I would have liked to have posted, but it is with very sad news that I learned recently of the passing of a colleague and friend, stalwart of the Surrey Heath taxi drivers fraternity, Mr Ian Churchill.

Something of a rogue in terms of 'playing to the whistle' in certain areas, I first met Ian when I was VC of the Licensing Committee at Surrey Heath Borough Council back in 2007. Licensing also includes the licensing of taxis in the borough and as such I often had the opportunity to regularly discuss various licensing matters with Ian on a first hand basis, rather than simply through the channel of our licensing officers.
Sometimes when driving to and from an event, a do, a rugby match, Ian and I would put the world to rights on a number of issues, some of which I was ultimately able to affect and some not.

He was a good chap and he will be missed.

I know that he wasn't a well man towards the end but before he passed away, during this last summer, he watched his daughter get married to her long time fiancee.
And I guess as parents, when all is said and done, thats something we want to see before we go.

RIP Ian.

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