Friday, 17 February 2012

Lightwater Road Safety

Friday 17th February

More good news for Lightwater residents - I've managed to get the proposed pedestrian crossing on the list for works this summer.

Well, actually I urged, cajoled and otherwise threatened my fellow Surrey Heath County Councillors to let me put it higher on the list last autumn, but I can confirm that it is now formally in the works programme for 2012/13.
This is great news for Lightwater residents since it will not only provide a safe crossing point for some of the younger and more elderly residents, but will also provide another traffic calming feature for Guildford Road. Combined with the reworking of the exsiting pinch point outside the dentists into a traffic table, we should really see an improvement to traffic flow and road safety once the works are completed.

Regrettably, it does mean that Cllr Gandhum's Post Office business may be disrupted for a while, but perhaps the roadworkers might be persudaded to get their stamps in Lightwater for the duration...

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