Friday 17th February
They are here.
As part of the new street lighting contract, the County Council is replacing the old orange sodium street lights with new white street lamps and I'm pleased to say that work has commenced on the Surrey Heath streets.
I say I'm pleased. I like to see that taxpayers' money is being spent in ways that can actually be seen, but while some residents have expressed delight with the lights, others have expressed horror at the change! This is understandable, for while the light power remains the same in terms of ampage, the colour does in fact change the light spectrum in such a way as to be visually obtrusive in some cases.
I discussed this matter with the relevant county officer at length last night in order to accommodate my residents' concern and I'm advised that there are simple solutions.
The first is the addition of a shroud to direct the light away from the affected property. The second is more sophisticated and involves would you believe, a centrally located 'dimmer switch', which can alter the light strength in areas, in roads or indeed, in individual lights.
So, if you have an issue with the new lights, do let me know and I shall get something organised for you.
Burglars and muggers need not apply.
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