Wednesday 21st March
One of my business interests was formerly located in Bagshot. We liked the location as it offered parking, good amenities good access and good pubs, one of which - 'The Three Mariners' - I worked in during the sweltering summer of 1995. My first proper flat, not blighted by other student flatmates, was in Bagshot and my eldest son's first school was there. Lamentably, we subsequently moved the business on to other premises, but my affection for Bagshot has always remained.
As such, my affection is one of the reasons I campaigned against the loss of the Nationwide in 2008; It's one of the reasons I'm determined to assist in keeping the library in whatever manner it ultimately forms; it's one of the reasons I used member funds to support the Bagshot Society and the Village Design Plan.
Bagshot, while troubled by the ebb & flow of commerce at present, has GREAT potential and I am determined to assist in allowing the village to pursue and realise it.
I've said many times that we might perhaps lobby the Borough Council to relax or temporarily suspend the Conservation Area Status of part of the village in order to attract investment & development (and most importantly, the monetary contributions that come with such) in order to fund further community improvements. That strategic battle continues, but in the meantime we can still tinker around the edges to improve what we have to ensure we have a village to be further proud of.
This is why I have commissioned County Council Officers to undertake feasibility studies into traffic management, traffic flows, direction priorites and the potential pedestrianisation of part of Bagshot's High St. And the study is now underway. Long discussed between various authorities and experts, I think it is important that we have a chapter and verse overhaul in order to determine whether we might at last source our panacea - a central square or pedestrian focal point to the village.
The devil as always is in the detail, but that is the point of the study. I'm very much looking forward to the findings.
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