Wednesday 22nd February
One of the pleasures of this politics business is the pure range of people one meets. Cabinet ministers one day; a tyre fitter the next. What I find interesting is how people's politics either unites or divides them across what used to be called 'social barriers'.
And really, that is how it should be.
I rather like some of the differences between my fellow Surrey Heath County Councillors; I like to think that the range of our different experiences, ages and backgrounds assists with our group decision making capacities, which can really only be a benefit when these decisions are affecting a similar cross section of residents across Surrey Heath. Just imagine if we were all poured from exactly the same cast; sure, it would probably make meetings easier, but consider also what might be omitted...
A man who might be considered upon casual inspection to be a non-Conservative man is Cllr Paul Deach. Paul resides in Deepcut representing the residents on Surrey Heath Borough Council. Possibly the hardest working Cllr I know after Mrs Sealy,CC, Paul also stewards the 'Surrey Heath Residents Blog' which is a forum for all things Surrey Heath.
Generally we do our political business at the park at Heatherside where our children play together. So much so in fact and for so long, that it is often our children who wish to leave the park first, which if you have children you will know is most rare.
Anyway, Paul has kindly agreed to add a link at the mighty SHRB to this more humble Windlesham, Bagshot & Lightwater blog. Naturally, and having taken an express course this morning in 'blog updating', I've returned the favour.
Take a look.
As ever, there is lots going on.
Councillor, thank you for the mention and kind words. See you in the park some time soon.