Wednesday 2 February 2011

The Future of Bagshot Library

Wednesday 2nd February

Those of you who still watch BBC London News may have seen the report on Monday regards some of the ongoing budgetary struggles at County Hall and I was delighted to see some local faces outside 'Bagshot Library'.

While there has been a lot of speculation about the future of the library for years, the County Council have always attempted to keep the service open while viable for local users. Similarly, I value the presence of such an asset and have supported the Library during the last 2 years as the local member.
Lamentably, it now appears that measures have to be taken regards a number of the smaller libraries within the County including Bagshot, owing, effectively to the costs of running it for an ever decreasing number of users.

However, the residents of Bagshot now have an opportunity to take control of the future of the Library in order to keep it operational, and I understand that one avenue is for volunteers to take on staffing while the County Council provides all other existing support.

"We (Surrey County Council) will be working with the local members and inviting communities to take on the management of these local libraries through a partnership relationship with the County Council. The County would provide a building, IT and stock -- the community would take on responsibility for staffing, either directly or through sponsorship. More and better self-service will be the key to supporting the development of these community libraries but we believe our model for arrangements for community partnered libraries is much more comprehensive than many of the arrangements that you may have heard about in the national press. We have an opportunity in Surrey not only to maintain but build on the service with greater involvement from the community that will enable libraries to be better connected to local community activity and ensure a modern and sustainable library for the future".

Sounds promising to me. I like the idea that the Library could form a 'village hub'. But its up to 'us' locals to make it happen.


  1. Cllr Macleod, the number of borrowers has INCREASED not decreased - up 20% over the period 2002-2010. Friends of Bagshot Library values the staff, who know their users and provide a brilliant service.

  2. The number of borrowers at Bagshot has INCREASED not decreased. It's gone up by 20% in the period 2002-2010 - official County figures. Usage has dropped in other libraries across the country.
    Friends of Bagshot Library have plenty of volunteers but we want to keep the excellent staff. They do just 10 hours each per week and give a brilliant service. Without them the quality would drop. But if it's a threat of closure or else, we'll put in the volunteers.

  3. Bagshot Library has INCREASED its number of borrowers - 20% up between 2002 - 2010. Friends of Bagshot Library runa a book Club, Coffee Mornings and Story Times for children and toddlers. Just to set the record straight.

  4. Mary Contrary,

    As you know, I've been provided with a stack of data which I have questioned since I think the team probably mistakenly focussed on financial statistics rather than the situation on the ground.

    Hopefully my address to the committee will have made my position clear, but you are right to question the statistics as you have them. I think it may also be useful to pass your data to the PVR team who will now be looking again.
