Thursday 22 July 2010

Buses Saved!

Tuesday 20th July

Great news for those residents whose children use the school buses that had been under threat of being cut. The County Council have decided that no school buses to either Collingwood or Kings International will face any cuts and shall continue as before. Fares are likley to increase by £1 per trip, but frankly that seems to my mind better than parents having to find other means of safely transporting children to school.

I must admit that my part in this was simply collating the comments from residents who contacted me about the proposed cuts - and there were many - passing them on to teh appropriate parties and lobbying the relevant Chairman and Portfolio Holders at the County Council. Equal and greater recognition must go to my fellow Surrey Heath County Councillors who similarly represented their residents, namely:

Lavinia Sealy
Bill Chapman
Denis Fuller
David Ivison
and Chris Pitt

If ever there were an example of people power affecting policy, then this is a good one.
Well done Surrey Heath Residents!

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